How to pursue changes easily

Dec 5, 2022

If you haven’t achieved what you want yet, it means you don’t want it that badly.

Think about something that you tried for months or years but didn’t succeed to achieve. Imagine it was not you, but your friend giving all the effort and unsuccessfully chasing that goal. What would you advise your friend reasonably to do to achieve this goal if you were his/hers consultant? What should your friend have done differently to be more successful?

Neuroscience gives us the biggest gift one can imagine – knowledge about our brain. I compare it with a fire that Prometheus stole from Zeus to give back to humanity. Neuroscience is our modern Prometheus that provides us with knowledge to make our brain our best friend so that you can finally start to live the life you always wanted.

Starting a new career, changing career at midlife, becoming confident, significantly increasing your income, turning into an authentic strong leader, setting up clear boundaries, improving your work and private relationship, maintaining the right work life balance – everything becomes possible when your brain plays on your side.

Change is pain – those who tried to build a completely new lifestyle or reach something outstanding know this first-hand. Thank God (I mean neuroscience by that), we know enough today to reprogram and redesign our brain’s settings. Think about the sabotaging programs that block you over and over again from getting a promotion, asking for a salary raise or saying no timely.

Good news, with the help of neuroscience it becomes quite easy to overcome all the obstacles. Furthermore, the path to your desired life can and shall become enjoyable and fun. Fun as a mixture of joy, happiness and excitement is an essential ingredient for your brain to work for you. So let’s figure out how to bring fun in your life.

Is neuroscience-based coaching for everybody? No. It is for those who want to keep following their dreams and live a meaningful life. It is for individuals who take responsibility for their lives and create their own future. Brain-based coaching by Aka coaching gives you very easy to implement tools that you will use all life long in order to enjoy your life and reach the goals you set. It is truly a Prometheus fire that everyone deserves to have.

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